Solving complex endodontic cases.
Providing the highest level of endodontic care.

Case #1
Non-surgical retreatment of this lower second bi. 4 canals. 1 year recall on right.

Case #2
Case from my story. Thanks to all for participating. It was a post perforation. I decided to take a surgical approach. 2-week tissue check looked promising - looking forward to the 6 month recall.
Be careful drilling those post spaces, peeps!

Case #3
Who here loves surgeries?? 🙋♂️ Specifically apicos?
If you like extractions you would’ve liked watching @vass_iliki take out two wizzies this evening in thirty seconds. (No offense to @michael.issakh @kojangles @hashtagomfs - saving the hard ones for you guys) Tooth n. 30 PT/CAA. 1 year f/u. No idea who treated n.31 but it worked out well.

Case #4
The types of cases that make your day. This tooth had a furcal lesion with a buccal sinus tract that lead to it. Like many of you, I was also thinking cold steel and ☀️.
Talked it over with @rctendo and decided to treat, suspecting a lateral canal. Selectively retreated the mesials, and lo and behold, a 💨 right where I wanted it. Looking forward to the recall.

Case #5
With this case I decided to cut. UL6, chronic abscess. 6mo f/u on bottom. Asymptomatic and functional. Happy with the outcome. Let’s see what the scan looks like at 1 year.

Case #6
50yof, hx of trauma as a child, discoloration but totally symptomless until a sinus tract popped up this year.
Irrigation only, BC sealer and gp backfill, internal bleach placed (opalescence endo). Got a bit of sealer into the sinus tract that I tried irrigating out with saline but wouldn’t budge. Nevertheless, the sinus was gone 2 weeks later.